CS 98
(Counsels on Stewardship 98)
Restitution With Contrition VC
Wherever there has been any neglect on your part to give back to the Lord His own, repent with contrition of soul, and make restitution, lest His curse rest upon you.... When you have done what you can on your part, withholding nothing that belongs to your Maker, you may ask Him to provide means to send the message of truth to the world.—The Review and Herald, January 20, 1885. (CS 98.1) MC VC
Jacob’s Fidelity VC
Jacob made his vow (Genesis 28:20-22) while refreshed by the dews of grace, and invigorated by the presence and assurance of God. After the divine glory had passed away, he had temptations, like men in our time; but he was faithful to his vow, and would not harbor thoughts as to the possibility of being released from the pledge which he had made. He might have reasoned much as men do now, that this revelation was only a dream, that he was unduly excited when he made his vow, and that therefore it need not be kept; but he did not. (CS 98.2) MC VC
Long years intervened before Jacob dared to return to his own country; but when he did, he faithfully discharged his debt to his Master. He had become a wealthy man, and a very large amount of property passed from his possessions to the treasury of the Lord. (CS 98.3) MC VC