CH 303
(Counsels on Health 303)
Those who have a knowledge of the truth for this time should be pure and clean and noble in all their business transactions. None among God’s servants should hunger and thirst for the highest place as director or manager. Such positions are fraught with great temptation. (CH 303.1) MC VC
Our nurses are encouraged to pledge themselves to work for certain parties for a certain sum. They bind themselves to serve thus and so, and afterward they are dissatisfied. It is necessary that more equality be shown in dealing with our nurses. There are among us intelligent, conscientious nurses, who work faithfully and at all times. It is nurses such as these that we need, and they should receive better wages, so that should they fall sick, they would have money enough laid by to enable them to have a rest and a change. Then again, often the parents of these nurses practice great self-denial to make it possible for their children to take the nurses’ course. It is only right that when these children have received their education, they should be given sufficient remuneration to enable them to help their parents, should they need help. (CH 303.2) MC VC
Economical From Principle VC
Those whose hands are open to respond to the calls for means to sustain the cause of God and to relieve the suffering and the needy, are not the ones who are found loose and lax and dilatory in their business management. They are always careful to keep their outgoes within their income. They are economical from principle; they feel it their duty to save, that they may have something to give.—Testimonies for the Church 4:573 (1881). (CH 303.3) MC VC