Ev 392
(Evangelism 392)
If We Move Out by Faith—It was in the plan of God that the Melrose sanitarium should come into the hands of our people, as a means of reaching the higher classes. The city of Boston and the surrounding country should be thoroughly worked. I am instructed to say to Elder _____ and Elder _____ that they should connect with them men and women who can help them sound the note of warning. With the sanitarium should be connected the best help possible to give a religious mold to the institution. (Ev 392.1) MC VC
Let Elder _____ secure the best help he can, and pitch a tent in the vicinity of the city of Boston, and speak to the people as the Lord gives utterance. There should be no delay in taking up this work. Elder _____ might strengthen the effort by laboring for the Jewish people. Physicians might help much by giving health talks in connection with the meetings.... (Ev 392.2) MC VC
The Lord is calling for a work to be done in the city of Boston. If you will move out by faith in this work, God will greatly bless you. There need be no great outward demonstration, but work quietly and earnestly. The Lord will help His humble, earnest workers. Make determined efforts. Say continually, “I will not fail nor be discouraged.”—Letter 202, 1906. (Ev 392.3) MC VC
God Will Lead in Establishing Institutions—Do not worry, my sister. The Lord is acquainted with your situation. Nothing escapes His notice. He will hear your prayers; for He is a prayer-hearing and a prayer-answering God. Put your trust in Him, and He will certainly bring relief, in His own way. I am very thankful for what I hear of the blessing that has attended the work in New Bedford. Let us trust in God, and let our faith take hold of Him most earnestly. (Ev 392.4) MC VC