LS 264
(Life Sketches of Ellen G. White 264)
“About two weeks before our camp meeting the disease from which I had been suffering was checked, yet I gained little strength. As the time for the meeting drew near, it seemed impossible that I could take any part in it.... I prayed much over the matter, but still remained very feeble.... In my suffering condition I could only fall helpless into the arms of my Redeemer, and there rest.” (LS 264.1) MC VC
“When the first Sabbath of the meeting came, I felt that I must be upon the camp ground, for I might there meet the divine Healer. In the afternoon I lay upon a lounge under the large tent, while Elder Waggoner addressed the people, presenting the signs that show the day of God very near. At the close of his discourse, I decided to rise to my feet, hoping that if I thus ventured out by faith, doing all in my power, God would help me to say a few words to the people. As I began to speak, the power of God came upon me, and my strength was instantly restored.” (LS 264.2) MC VC
“I had hoped that my feebleness might gradually pass away, but had looked for no immediate change. The instantaneous work wrought for me was unexpected. It cannot be attributed to imagination. The people saw me in my feebleness, and many remarked that to all appearance I was a candidate for the grave. Nearly all present marked the change which took place in me while I was addressing them. They stated that my countenance changed, and the deathlike paleness gave place to a healthy color.” (LS 264.3) MC VC
“I testify to all who read these words, that the Lord has healed me. Divine power has wrought a great work for me, whereof I am glad. I was able to labor every day during the meeting, and several times spoke more than one hour and a half. My whole system was imbued with new strength and vigor. A new tide of emotions, a new and elevated faith, took possession of my soul.” (LS 264.4) MC VC