TM 209, 214
(Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers 209, 214)
The Lord must be believed and served as the great “I AM,”(Exodus 3:14) and we must trust implicitly in Him. Let not men prescribe laws to take the place of God’s law. Never educate men to look to men, to trust in men; for man’s wisdom is not sufficient to decide as to their right to engage in the Lord’s work. When God lays a work upon individuals, men are not to reject His sanction. God must not be impeded in the working out of His plans by man’s interference, but this has been done again and again. (TM 209.1) MC VC
If the church on earth is to resemble a temple, let it be built according to the pattern shown in heaven and not according to man’s genius. The invention of man often counteracts the working out of God’s plans. The golden measuring rod has not been placed in the hands of any finite man or any class of men, whatever their position or calling, but is in the hand of the heavenly Architect. If men will not meddle with God’s plan, and will let Him work upon minds and characters, building them up according to His plan, a work will be accomplished that will stand through the severest of trials. (TM 209.2) MC VC
In the taking of Jericho the Lord God of hosts was the general of the army. He made the plan for the battle and united heavenly and human agencies to act a part in the work, but no human hand touched the walls of Jericho. God so arranged the plan that man could take no credit to himself for achieving the victory. God alone is to be glorified. So it shall be in the work in which we are engaged. The glory is not to be given to human agencies; the Lord alone is to be magnified. Please read carefully the third chapter of Ezekiel. We must learn to put our entire dependence upon God, and yet we must ever bear in mind that the Lord God has need of every agency that holds the truth in righteousness. As workers for Christ we are to stand in view of the cross of Calvary, proclaiming to the world, “Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.” John 1:29. We are to proclaim the third angel’s message with our human voices, and it is to go to the world with power and glory. (TM 214.1) MC VC
When men cease to depend upon men, when they make God their efficiency, then there will be more confidence manifested one in another. Our faith in God is altogether too feeble and our confidence in one another altogether too meager. (TM 214.2) MC VC
Christ breathed upon His disciples and said, “Receive ye the Holy Ghost.” John 20:22. Christ is represented by His Holy Spirit today in every part of His great moral vineyard. He will give the inspiration of His Holy Spirit to all those who are of a contrite spirit. (TM 214.3) MC VC