RY 179.0
(The Retirement Years 179.0)
Notwithstanding the warnings in the Word of God and in the testimonies of His Spirit, many have closed their eyes to danger and have gone on in their own way, infatuated, deluded by Satan until they fall under his temptations. Then they abandon themselves to despair. This was the history of Solomon. But even for him there was help. He truly repented of his course of sin, and found help. (RY 179.1) MC VC
Let none venture into sin as he did, in the hope that they too may recover themselves. Sin can be indulged only at the peril of infinite loss. But none who have fallen need give themselves up to despair. Aged men, once honored of God, may have defiled their souls, sacrificing virtue on the altar of lust; but there is still hope for them if they repent, forsake sin, and turn to God. (RY 179.2) MC VC
The misapplication of noble talents in Solomon’s case should be a warning to all.... His history stands as a beacon of warning that young and old may learn the sure result of departure from the ways of the Lord. (RY 179.3) MC VC
Solomon acted in direct opposition to God’s will. God had made him the depositary of sacred truths, but he proved unfaithful to his holy trust. Evil communications corrupted good manners. He entered into political alliance with pagan kingdoms, especially with Egypt and Phoenicia. One wrong step led to another. Through his associations with these nations, their heathen practices became less abhorrent to him, and at last their sensual customs and their darkest worships were imported into Palestine. Solomon’s fine sensibilities were blunted, his conscience seared. He became weak and vacillating. The justice of his early reign gave place to tyranny. Once the guardian of his people, he became a despot. To support his extravagance and profligacy he imposed a grinding taxation upon the poor. (RY 179.4) MC VC