PM 43.0
(The Publishing Ministry 43.0)
The enemy moves very slowly and cautiously if he sees that this will deter the work from advancing. At times, moderation has been a sin of unbelief. But when he sees that delay will injure his plans, he creates circumstances which apparently make it necessary to move hastily, without due consideration.... (PM 43.1) MC VC
The work is not yours, but the Lord’s; and none are to become fainthearted. The angels have a constant care over the work.... The enemy is seeking to use every device which will cripple this institution. He seeks to make it a common thing through those whom He connects with it. When the workers are educated to think of this great center as related to God and under His supervision, when they realize that it is a channel through which light from heaven is to be communicated to the world, great respect and reverence will be shown to it. The best thoughts and noblest feelings will be cultivated and brought into the work, that the heavenly intelligences may cooperate with human beings. (PM 43.2) MC VC
As the workers realize that they are in the presence of angels, whose eyes are too pure to behold iniquity, what strong restraint they will place on thoughts, words, and actions. They will be given moral strength; for the Lord says, “Them that honor Me, I will honor.” 1 Samuel 2:30. Every worker will possess a precious experience, and a power and faith that is stronger than all circumstances. They will be able to say, “The Lord is in this place.” The angels of God will be in every room. The power of an inward life will circulate through the office. There will be a power in the lives of the workers that will be felt throughout the entire institution. (PM 43.3) MC VC
Brethren, you must rise higher in your service. The office is not to be regarded as a common business institution. All who acknowledge God in His appointed channels, who act as faithful stewards in any place where they can do God service, will be honored by God.... (PM 43.4) MC VC