PM 185
(The Publishing Ministry 185)
No Large Business Firms in the Cities—God has sent warning after warning that our schools and publishing houses and sanitariums are to be established out of the city, in places where the youth may be taught most effectively what is truth. Let no one attempt to use the Testimonies to vindicate the establishment of large business interests in the cities. Do not make of no effect the light that has been given upon this subject. (PM 185.1) MC VC
Men will arise speaking perverse things, to counterwork the very movements that the Lord is leading His servants to make. But it is time that men and women reasoned from cause to effect. It is too late, too late, to establish large business firms in the cities—too late to call young men and women from the country to the city. Conditions are arising in the cities that will make it very hard for those of our faith to remain in them. It would therefore be a great mistake to invest money in the establishment of business interests in the cities.—Selected Messages 2:357. [Church-operated grade schools and church buildings may of necessity be erected in city environments according to the counsel given. (See Child Guidance, 306.)] (PM 185.2) MC VC
Plants Near but Outside Large Cities—The movements made by many in Battle Creek to counterwork the effort to transfer the publishing house to another place as the Lord directed, will reveal their results. It will be seen what it means to work contrary to the purposes of God. But I have been shown that the results of this opposition will not be fully known until the books of heaven shall be opened and every man shall be judged according to the deeds done in the body. (PM 185.3) MC VC