TDG 193.5
(This Day With God 193.5)
God desires men to understand the claims He has upon them. He will judge any man who shall interpose between his fellow men and their God, to lead them into paths not cast up for the ransomed. “Known unto God are all his works from the beginning of the world” (Acts 15:18). He has ordained that His works shall be presented before the world in distinct, holy, sacred lines. The kingdom of God cometh not with observation, but by the gentleness of the inspiration of His word, by the operation of His Spirit in the soul. His work in many places of the world would now be much farther advanced had not man interposed between the people and God, to do a work God has not appointed.—Letter 93, July 3, 1900, to Elder G. A. Irwin, president of the General Conference. (TDG 193.5) MC VC