TDG 73.4
(This Day With God 73.4)
The future eternal life of each individual depends, not on words, not on profession, but on earnest works. We need to make decided efforts in order to keep the heart with all diligence, while looking to Jesus as the Author and Finisher of our faith. We need to watch over an unruly tongue; we need to watch for opportunities to do good as Jesus did. Ministers of the gospel, preach Christ. Bring His heavenly grace into your lives and thoughts. Be truthful, and ever keep under the discipline of the Word of God. We must be saved in God’s appointed way. We must lean upon His counsel, and unite in His works. A penitent heart is always sensitive. Teach every individual who claims to be a child of God, that a well-built character will always be after the divine pattern.—Letter 78, March 5, 1907, to Members of the Berkeley Churches. (TDG 73.4) MC VC