Ev 441-2
(Evangelism 441-2)
Those who are seeking for truth need to have words spoken to them in season; for Satan is speaking to them by his temptations. If you meet with repulse when trying to help souls, heed it not. If there seems to be little good resulting from your work, do not become discouraged. Keep working; be discreet; know when to speak, and when to keep silent; watch for souls as they that must give an account; and watch for the devices of Satan, lest you be led aside from duty. Do not allow difficulties to dishearten or intimidate you. With strong faith, with intrepid purpose, meet and overcome these difficulties. Sow the seed in faith, and with an unsparing hand.—Gospel Workers, pp. 188, 189. (1915). (Ev 441.1) MC VC
Teach—Hold Bible Readings—You love to preach, and should have a chance to preach wherever you go. You can do a good work in this line, but this is not all the work essential to be done—the people need to be taught, to be educated. Many of the sermons given would, if cut short one half, be far more beneficial to the hearers. (Ev 441.2) MC VC
Take time to teach, to hold Bible readings. Get the points and texts fastened in the minds of the hearers. Let them ask questions, and answer them in the plainest, simplest manner possible, so that the mind can grasp the truths presented.... (Ev 441.3) MC VC
Teach as Christ taught, study His example, His methods of teaching. He preached few sermons, but wherever He went, crowds gathered to listen to His instruction. The ministers must be educated to work more according to the divine pattern. You have not yet taken up the work of educating. The people will listen to sermon after sermon, and they can retain but a very few points in the discourse, and these lose their force upon the mind; other things come in to choke the seed of truth. Now the Lord’s way is the best way, to impress upon minds, point by point, the truths that are for their eternal interest to know. Let the soil of the heart be prepared and the seed so planted that it will spring up and bear fruit.—Letter 29, 1890. (Ev 441.4) MC VC
Learning the Art of Personal Work VC
All Who Can to Do Bible Work—All who can, should do personal labor. As they go from house to house, explaining the Scriptures to the people in a clear, simple manner, God makes the truth powerful to save. The Saviour blesses those who do this work.—Letter 108, 1901. (Ev 442.1) 2 I MC VC
Teaching Doctrine Not Initial Object of Personal Work—There are many souls yearning unutterably for light, for assurance and strength beyond what they have been able to grasp. They need to be sought out and labored for patiently, perseveringly. Beseech the Lord in fervent prayer for help. Present Jesus because you know Him as your personal Saviour. Let His melting love, His rich grace, flow forth from human lips. You need not present doctrinal points unless questioned. But take the Word, and with tender, yearning love for souls, show them the precious righteousness of Christ, to whom you and they must come to be saved.—Manuscript 27, 1895. (Ev 442.2) MC VC
Learning to Gather the Crop—There is need of education—the training of everyone who shall enter the gospel field, not only to use the scythe and mow the crop, but to rake it, to gather it, to care for it properly. This mowing has been done everywhere, and amounted to very little because there has been so little earnest work done by personal effort to gather the wheat from the chaff and bind it in bundles for the garner.—Letter 16e, 1892. (Ev 442.3) MC VC