FE 484
(Fundamentals of Christian Education 484)
God calls upon the teachers in our schools not to become interested in the study of political questions. Take the knowledge of God into our schools. Your attention may be called to worldly wise men, who are not wise enough to understand what the Scriptures say in regard to the laws of God’s kingdom; but turn from these to Him who is the source of all wisdom. Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. Make this first and last. Seek most earnestly to know Him whom to know aright is life eternal. Christ and His righteousness is the salvation of the soul. Teach the little children what obedience and submission means. In our schools science, literature, painting, and music, and all that the world’s learning can teach are not to be made first. Let the knowledge of Him in whom our eternal life is centered come first. Plant in the hearts of the students that which will adorn the character and fit the soul, through sanctification of the Spirit, to learn lessons from the greatest Teacher the world has ever known. Thus students will be fitted to be heirs of the kingdom of God.—June 16, 1899. (FE 484.1) MC VC
For Additional Reading VC
God’s Purpose Concerning Our Youth Today, The Youth’s Instructor, June 22, 29, 1899
Marriages, Wise and Unwise, The Youth’s Instructor, August 10, 1899
Self-culture, The Youth’s Instructor, August 17, 1899
True Education, The Youth’s Instructor, August 31, 1899
(FE 484)