2SG 282
(Spiritual Gifts, Volume 2 282)
I was shown that the work was not left in the hands of any one upon earth. Angels of God have charge of the work, and they counsel and direct God’s people through chosen agents, and thus the work moves forward. I was shown that God in his own wise providence raised my husband above dependence and want, that his testimony and influence might not be crippled by the galling sense of dependence. God will use him as his instrument to speak with freedom, independent of man, and in his strength raise his voice, and with his example call upon the people to arouse, and assist with their substance in moving forward this great work. And any that wish to be convinced, can be, that it is not selfishness, nor to obtain any advantage himself that he pursues this course. But his object is to advance the work of God, which is dearer to him than life. (2SG 282.1) MC VC
I saw that it was easier for those who look on to complain, and find fault, than to suggest and lead in a better course. It is very easy and cheap to suggest doubts and fears, but it is not so readily undertaken to tell what shall be done. (2SG 282.2) MC VC