Ev 586
(Evangelism 586)
Workers for Tourist Centers—It is difficult to find capable young men and young women who can enter the cities and do effective service. In these tourist centers where many travelers come for health and pleasure, we greatly need young men who are thoroughly grounded in the truth of the third angel’s message, to go around among the people, and minister to them, speaking a word in season to this one, and offering encouragement to another.—The Review and Herald, July 12, 1906. (Ev 586.1) MC VC
The Street Meeting VC
Reaching Some by Open-Air Meetings—The cities must have more labor. There are places where the people can best be reached by open-air meetings. There are many who can do this line of work, but they must be clad with the whole armor of righteousness. We are altogether too delicate in our work; yet propriety and sound sense are needed.—An Appeal for Missions, 15, (1898). (Ev 586.2) MC VC
Problems of the Moving Throng—These [open-air meetings] may be held at times, and on special occasions will be the best means of reaching the people; but to make this a regular manner of labor will not at present secure the desired results. The laborer cannot make full proof of his ministry. A chance speech or discourse may set minds on a train of thought which will, through other influences that may be brought to bear upon them, result in their conversion; but these cases are rare.—Gospel Workers, 339, 340 (1892). (Ev 586.3) MC VC