HP 192.3
(In Heavenly Places 192.3)
We are to make the most of the capabilities and talents lent us by God. All who are weakening and destroying the physical, mental, and moral powers by sinful eating, sinful dressing, and violation of the laws of health in any respect, will have to render an account to God for all the good they might have done had they observed the laws of health, rather than being self-indulgent, careless, and reckless of the house they live in.... God says, “Ye are not your own.” 1 Corinthians 6:19. You are God’s property. Your ransom cost the life of the Son of God.... All are to consider the greatness of the sacrifice made. The Majesty of heaven, the King of glory, designs that men and women shall give to Him their wholehearted service. (HP 192.3) MC VC