Con 62.0
(Confrontation 62.0)
Men and women indulge appetite at the expense of health and their powers of intellect, so that they cannot appreciate the plan of salvation. What appreciation can such have of the temptation of Christ in the wilderness, and of the victory He gained upon the point of appetite. It is impossible for them to have exalted views of God, and to realize the claims of His law. The proposed followers of Christ are forgetful of the great sacrifice made by Him on their account. The Majesty of heaven, in order to bring salvation within their reach, was smitten, bruised, and afflicted. He became a Man of sorrow and acquainted with grief. In the wilderness of temptation He resisted Satan, although the tempter was clothed with the livery of heaven. Christ, although brought to great physical suffering, refused to yield a single point, notwithstanding the most flattering inducements were presented to bribe and influence Him to yield His integrity. “All this honor, all this riches and glory,” said the deceiver, “will I give Thee if Thou wilt only acknowledge my claims.” (Con 62.1) MC VC