MM 320
(Medical Ministry 320)
Will Revive the Churches VC
Get the young men and women in the churches to work. Combine medical missionary work with the proclamation of the third angel’s message. Make regular, organized efforts to lift the church members out of the dead level in which they have been for years. Send out into the churches workers who will live the principles of health reform. Let those be sent who can see the necessity of self-denial in appetite, or they will be a snare to the church. See if the breath of life will not then come into our churches.—Testimonies for the Church 6:267. (MM 320.1) MC VC
Be Practical Missionaries VC
In every place the sick may be found, and those who go forth as workers for Christ should be true health reformers, prepared to give those who are sick the simple treatments that will relieve them, and then pray with them. Thus they will open the door for the entrance of the truth. The doing of this work will be followed by good results. Our Sabbath-keeping families should keep their minds filled with helpful principles of health reform and other lines of truth, that they may be a help to their neighbors. Be practical missionaries. Gather up all the knowledge possible that will help to combat disease. This may be done by those who are diligent students. (MM 320.2) MC VC
But few can take a course of training in our medical institutions. But all can study our health literature and become intelligent on this important subject.— Manuscript 19, 1911. (MM 320.3) MC VC
Work for Children and Youth VC
The Lord has appointed the youth to be His helping hand. If in every church they would consecrate themselves to Him, if they would practice self-denial in the home, relieving their careworn mother, the mother could find time to make neighborly visits, and, when opportunity offered, they could themselves give assistance by doing little errands of mercy and love. Books and papers treating on the subject of health and temperance could be placed in many homes. The circulation of this literature is an important matter; for thus precious knowledge can be imparted in regard to the treatment of disease—knowledge that would be a great blessing to those who cannot afford to pay for a physician’s visits.—Testimonies for the Church 7:64, 65. (MM 320.4) MC VC