CW 128
(Counsels to Writers and Editors 128)
The Good Health places the crib too high to meet the demands of uninformed men and women. There must be greater simplicity and we must make that journal a living thing, full of interesting matter to do its work on the Pacific Coast.... The Lord would have the journal live and it shall live; because Elder ----- has ceased to edit it it shall not die. He may criticize it as much as he pleases, as Trall criticized the Health Reformer; nevertheless, it shall live.—Letter 10, 1887. (CW 128.1) MC VC
Spicy, Not Prosy—While working for the Herald of Health [published in Australia commencing January, 1898. Later known respectively as Australasian Good Health and Life and Health.] believe in the Lord Jesus, and seek to make the paper a success. Please make your sentences short, for then your articles will be much more interesting.... (CW 128.2) MC VC
I hope and pray that you may make the Herald of Health a living, speaking, vital agency for good. Do not let it get prosy. Let it be spicy with the fragrance of pure truth. This is a savor of life unto life.—Letter 137, 1900. (CW 128.3) MC VC