TSB 155.0
(Testimonies on Sexual Behavior, Adultery, and Divorce 155.0)
The Lord Lives—We had a private meeting where humble confessions were made by Elder M and Brother and Sister N.... (TSB 155.1) MC VC
Well, the Lord lives. I have had a hard battle and some precious victories gained. Elder M is clothed and in his right mind, humble, tender, and broken before God. Humble as a child. I see no way but to keep bearing the plain testimony in love, in patience.—Letter 27, 1888 (written May 29, 1888). (TSB 155.2) MC VC
Chapter 23—A Would-Be Sanitarium Superintendent VC
Separation From Family Not Wise—Brother O: I must say some things to you, for your course is worthy of censure. You know what has been the course of Elder M and others connected with the Health Institute, and how difficult it has been to remove the impression once made. You know the history of the past and the reproach and disgrace that still cling to the institution, and the people at St. Helena are not ignorant of the great curse which fell upon it in consequence of the moral conduct of some who have been connected with it. (TSB 155.3) MC VC
I cannot feel that it would be wisdom for you to act in the capacity of superintendent of the Health Institution, for you are not a wise man. You are here away from your wife and family when you should be with them; but if there are reasons to justify this separation, your course should be altogether different than it has been. If you had the sanctifying influence of the grace of Christ in your heart, you would take heed to your own ways and abstain from every appearance of evil. (TSB 155.4) MC VC