RY 180.0
(The Retirement Years 180.0)
He who had said to his people at the dedication of the temple, “Let your heart therefore be perfect with the Lord our God,” became himself the offender. In heart and life he denied his own words. He mistook license for liberty. He tried, but at what cost, to unite light with darkness, Christ with Belial, purity with impurity, good with evil. Shall we give heed to the warning, and shun the first approach to those sins which overcame him who was called the wisest of men?—Letter 8b, 1891. (RY 180.1) MC VC
Solomon’s Weakness a Beacon of Warning VC
Of Solomon the inspired record says, “His wives turned away his heart after other gods: and his heart was not perfect with the Lord his God.” (RY 180.2) MC VC
This is no theme to be treated with a smile. The heart that loves Jesus will not desire the unlawful affections of another. Every want is supplied in Christ. This superficial affection is of the same character as that exalted enjoyment which Satan promised Eve. It is coveting that which God has forbidden. When it is too late hundreds can warn others not to venture upon the precipice. Intellect, position, wealth can never, never take the place of moral qualities. Clean hands, a pure heart, and noble, earnest devotion to God and the truth the Lord esteems above the golden wedge of Ophir. (RY 180.3) MC VC