HP 39.4
(In Heavenly Places 39.4)
But few have a true sense of the great privileges which Christ gained for man by thus opening heaven before him. The Son of God was then the representative of our race; and the special power and glory which the Majesty of heaven conferred upon Him, and His words of approval, are the surest pledge of His love and good will to man. As Christ’s intercessions in our behalf were heard, the evidence was given to man that God will accept our prayers in our own behalf through the name of Jesus. The continued, earnest prayer of faith will bring us light and strength to withstand the fiercest assaults of Satan.... The life of a living Christian is a life of living prayer.... Our great Leader points us to the open heavens as the only source of light and strength.—Sufferings, 7-10 (The Signs of the Times, August 7, 1879). (HP 39.4) MC VC