UL 229.3
(The Upward Look 229.3)
It is our privilege to receive the bread of life from the great Medical Missionary, who came to give life to the world. Truth, pure, refining, ennobling truth, came from His very heart.... His heart was constantly burning with the love that brought Him from heaven to our world. His goodness and His power enabled Him to reveal in His life the truth that He came to this earth to bring to the fallen race. In every word, in every act, He manifested the love of God, cheering and encouraging the downcast and distressed. In heavenly wisdom He asserted His true majesty by bending all things to the present and future happiness of human beings. He came to teach men and women how to live, here below, the life of which He gave them an example—the life that will make them fit to enter the abodes of bliss. (UL 229.3) MC VC