LDE 294
(Last Day Events 294)
Tribute to Faithful Mothers VC
When the judgment shall sit, and the books shall be opened; when the “well done” of the great Judge is pronounced, and the crown of immortal glory is placed upon the brow of the victor, many will raise their crowns in sight of the assembled universe and, pointing to their mother, say, “She made me all I am through the grace of God. Her instruction, her prayers, have been blessed to my eternal salvation.”—Messages to Young People, 330 (1881). (LDE 294.1) MC VC
The angels of God immortalize the names of the mothers whose efforts have won their children to Jesus Christ.—Child Guidance, 568 (1895). (LDE 294.2) MC VC
The Reward of the Winner of Souls VC
When the redeemed stand before God, precious souls will respond to their names who are there because of the faithful, patient efforts put forth in their behalf, the entreaties and earnest persuasions to flee to the Stronghold. Thus those who in this world have been laborers together with God will receive their reward.—Testimonies for the Church 8:196, 197 (1904). (LDE 294.3) MC VC
When the gates of that beautiful city on high are swung back on their glittering hinges, and the nations that have kept the truth shall enter in, crowns of glory will be placed on their heads, and they will ascribe honor and glory and majesty to God. And at that time some will come to you, and will say, “If it had not been for the words you spoke to me in kindness, if it had not been for your tears and supplications and earnest efforts, I should never have seen the King in His beauty.” What a reward is this! How insignificant is the praise of human beings in this earthly, transient life, in comparison with the infinite rewards that await the faithful in the future, immortal life!—Words of Encouragement to Self-supporting Workers (Ph113) 16 (1909). (LDE 294.4) MC VC