LDE 284
(Last Day Events 284)
Why We Should Think About the Future World VC
Jesus has brought heaven to view, and presents its glory to our eyes in order that eternity may not be dropped out of our reckoning.—The Signs of the Times, April 4, 1895. (LDE 284.1) 2 I MC VC
With eternal realities in view we will habitually cultivate thoughts of the presence of God. This will be a shield against the incoming of the enemy; it will give strength and assurance, and lift the soul above fear. Breathing in the atmosphere of heaven, we will not be breathing the malaria of the world.... (LDE 284.2) MC VC
Jesus comes to present the advantages and beautiful imagery of the heavenly, that the attractions of heaven shall become familiar to the thoughts, and memory’s hall be hung with pictures of celestial and eternal loveliness.... (LDE 284.3) MC VC
The great Teacher gives man a view of the future world. He brings it, with its attractive possessions, within the range of his vision.... If He can fasten the mind upon the future life and its blessedness, in comparison with the temporal concerns of this world, the striking contrast is deeply impressed upon the mind, absorbing the heart and soul and the whole being.—Our High Calling, 285, 286 (1890). (LDE 284.4) MC VC