2SG 104-5
(Spiritual Gifts, Volume 2 104-5)
Chapter 16—Return to Connecticut VC
Thursday p. m. we were to take the boat for Middletown. It was our last opportunity to get to our appointment, unless we should travel upon the Sabbath. We had a season of prayer before leaving. All present did not realize that the boat would not wait for us, and the season of prayer was made too long for the occasion, and we had but a few moments to get to the boat. I took my husband’s arm, and we ran about a mile to reach the boat. Brethren Gurney and Bates were on the boat, waiting for us. The captain was about to withdraw the plank, when Bro. Bates interceded, telling him that he had friends that were detained, and he must wait a few moments. He was prevailed upon to wait five minutes. He then declared he would not wait another minute. Just then we appeared in sight. Bro. Bates cried out, “They are coming! They must go on the boat tonight! You must wait!” We sprung upon the plank as it was being withdrawn, the boat started, and we were on our way to Conn. (2SG 104.1) MC VC
At Middletown we met sister Bonfoey and our little Henry. My child grew feeble. We had used simple herbs, but they had no effect. The neighbors who came in said we could not keep him long, for he would die with consumption. One advised us to use one medicine, another something else. But it did not effect the child favorably. Finally he could take no nourishment. Townsend’s Sarsaparilla was recommended as the last resort. We concluded to try it. We could send by a friend to Hartford that day, and must decide in a few moments. I went before the Lord in my room alone, and while praying obtained the evidence that our only source of help was in the Lord. If he did not bless, and heal the child, medicine could not save him. (2SG 104.2) MC VC
I there decided to venture the life of the child upon the promises of God. I had a lively sense of his willingness and power to save, and there alone before God cried out, “We will believe, and show to these unbelieving neighbors, who are expecting the death of the child, that there is a God in Israel, whose ear is open to the prayers of his children. We will trust alone in thee.” I felt the power of God to that degree that for a short time I was helpless. My husband opened the door to say to me that the friend was waiting for our decision. “Shall we get the Sarsaparilla?” I answered, “No. Tell him we will try the strength of God’s promises.” (2SG 105.1) MC VC
The neighbors looked upon me with astonishment. They were confident the child would die. That night we anointed him, and my husband prayed for him, laying his hands upon him in the name of the Lord. He looked up with a smile. A light seemed to rest upon his features, and we there had the evidence that the Lord had answered our prayers. We gave him no more medicine. He gained strength fast, and the next day could stand upon his feet. (2SG 105.2) MC VC