CM 107
(Colporteur Ministry 107)
Realize every moment that you must have the presence of the Holy Spirit; for it can do a work that you cannot do of yourself.—Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers, 310 (1923). (CM 107.1) MC VC
Become His Instrumentality—Our books should be handled by consecrated workers, whom the Holy Spirit can use as His instrumentalities. Christ is our sufficiency, and we are to present the truth in humble simplicity, letting it bear its own savor of life unto life.—Testimonies for the Church 6:319 (1900). (CM 107.2) MC VC
Holy Spirit Gives Words—Hearts cannot fail to be touched by the story of the atonement. As you learn the meekness and lowliness of Christ, you will know what you should say to the people; for the Holy Spirit will tell you what words to speak. Those who realize the necessity of keeping the heart under the control of the Holy Spirit will be enabled to sow seed that will spring up unto eternal life. This is the work of the evangelistic canvasser.—Testimonies for the Church 6:325 (1900). (CM 107.3) MC VC
He Impresses Hearts—The Lord Jesus standing by the side of the canvasser, walking with them, is the chief worker. If we recognize Christ as the One who is with us to prepare the way, the Holy Spirit by our side will make impressions in just the lines needed.—Manual for Canvassers, 40 (1902). (CM 107.4) MC VC
He Gives Success—We can enlighten the people only through the power of God. The canvassers must keep their own souls in living connection with God. They should labor praying that God will open the way, and prepare hearts to receive the message He sends them. It is not the ability of the agent or worker, but it is the Spirit of God moving upon the heart that will give true success.—Manuscript 31, 1890. (CM 107.5) MC VC