TM 73, 257
(Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers 73, 257)
Mercy of God Exemplified VC
We can see what evidence was given the priests and rulers, and how firmly they resisted the Spirit of God. Those who claim superior wisdom and piety may make most terrible and (to themselves) fatal mistakes if they allow their minds to be molded by another power, and pursue a course in resistance to the Holy Spirit. The Lord Jesus, represented by the Holy Spirit, was in the presence of that assembly, but they did not discern Him. For a moment they had felt the conviction of the Spirit, that Jesus was the Son of God; but they stifled conviction, and became more blind and hardened than before. Even after they had crucified the Saviour, God in His mercy had sent them additional evidence in the works wrought through the apostles. He was giving them another call to repentance, even in the terrible charge brought against them by the apostles, that they had killed the Prince of life. (TM 73.1) MC VC
It was not alone the sin of putting to death the Son of God that cut them off from salvation, but their persistence in rejecting light and the conviction of the Holy Spirit. The spirit that works in the children of disobedience worked in them, leading them to abuse the men through whom God was giving a testimony to them. The malignity of rebellion reappeared, and was intensified in every successive act of resistance against God’s servants and the message He had given them to declare. (TM 73.2) MC VC
I have kept this before our ministering brethren, and begged them not to lengthen out their discourses. Some improvement has been made on this ground with the very best results. But few discourses have exceeded an hour. (TM 257.1) MC VC
While in America the light was given me in the night season concerning yourself. You had been speaking at great length, and still felt that you had not said all you wished to say, and were asking for a little more time. One of dignity and authority stepped before you, as you stood in the pulpit, and said: You have given the people a large amount of matter to consider; one half of what you have given would be of much greater profit than the whole. If energized by the Holy Spirit, it must make an impression on the human hearer. The Holy Spirit works the man, but if there are vital points to be made which are essential to be carried away by the hearer, a train of words is effacing that strong impression, pouring into the vessel more than it can retain, and is so much effort lost. To reserve the last half to be presented when the mind is fresh to receive it will be gathering up the fragments that nothing be lost. (TM 257.2) MC VC
The truth is a precious, vitalizing power. It is the entrance of the word that giveth light and understanding unto the simple. The truth should be spoken clearly, slowly, forcibly, that it may impress the hearer. When the truth in any line is presented it is essential for it to be understood, that all its precious food, the bread of life, the manna from heaven, may be received. Let every fragment be gathered up, that nothing be lost. In the presentation of the truth in preaching the word it is of consequence that nothing should be lost to the receptive hearer. The Lord Jesus is represented by the Holy Spirit, and is seeking to secure admission to the mind, and conviction comes to the heart and conscience; but the overmuch matter that is given is detrimental in its effect, it effaces the impression previously made. Speak short, and you will create an interest to hear again and again. (TM 257.3) MC VC