TDG 158.5
(This Day With God 158.5)
The Holy Spirit is the Comforter, your Comforter. Has the Holy Spirit failed to fulfill His part of the work? If so, you are not to blame. But the promise is sure and steadfast. When you say you have not faith in God you make God a liar and show that you have no confidence in the Holy Spirit’s work, which is always ready to help our infirmities. He is always waiting at your door, always knocking for admittance. Let Him in. All you have to do is to put your will over on the Lord’s side. You need the promise, but it is the infinite One behind the promise in whom you are to have perfect confidence. Say it: “I am the Lord’s. I do believe.” Crowd out every doubt from the soul. Have faith in God. He loves you. Never, never allow yourself to doubt or distrust Him.—Manuscript 80, May 29, 1893, diary. (TDG 158.5) MC VC