VSS 285
(The Voice in Speech and Song 285)
The Holy Spirit must work the man; the man must not endeavor to work the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is not a servant, but a controlling power. The Holy Spirit causes the truth to shine in every mind, and speaks through every discourse where the minister surrenders himself to its working. The Holy Spirit walks with the soul by the way, and talks with the human agent. It is He who gives the atmosphere that surrounds the soul, and speaks to the impenitent through words of warning.—Lt 29, 1895. (VSS 285.1) MC VC
Men of Prayer, Men of Power—It is not eloquent speakers that are needed, but humble, earnest workers, men who have childlike trust in a higher strength. It is the men of prayer, who seek the Lord with humble, contrite hearts, that are men of power.—Lt 146, 1903. (VSS 285.2) MC VC