2BC 1011-2
(S.D.A. Bible Commentary Vol. 2 1011-2)
20 (1 Samuel 7:9, 15). Samuel Takes Hold With Both Hands—Samuel was now invested by the God of Israel with the three-fold office of judge, prophet, and priest. Placing one hand in the hand of Christ, and with the other taking the helm of the nation, he holds it with such wisdom and firmness as to preserve Israel from destruction (The Signs of the Times, June 22, 1882). (2BC 1011.1) MC VC
Chapter 4 VC
3. Israel Sought Victory in Wrong Way—The recollection of these glorious triumphs inspired all Israel with fresh hope and courage, and they immediately sent to Shiloh for the ark, “that when it cometh among us,” said they, “it may save us out of the hand of our enemies.” 1 Samuel 4:3. They did not consider that it was the law of God which alone gave to the ark its sacredness, and that its presence would bring them prosperity only as they obeyed that law (The Signs of the Times, December 22, 1881). (2BC 1011.2) MC VC
3-5. Hophni and Phinehas Presumptuously Enter Most Holy Place—The two sons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas, eagerly acceded to the proposal to bear the ark into the camp. Without the consent of the high priest, they ventured presumptuously into the holy of holies, and took from thence the ark of God. Filled with pride, and elated with the expectation of speedy victory, they bore it to the camp. And the people, beholding, as they thought, the token of Jehovah′s presence, “shouted with a great shout, so that the earth rang again.”(1 Samuel 4:5) (The Signs of the Times, December 22, 1881). (2BC 1011.3) MC VC
Chapter 6 VC
1-5. Only One Sacrifice Can Secure Divine Favor—The Philistines hoped by their offerings to appease the wrath of God, but they were ignorant of the one great sacrifice which alone can secure to sinful men the divine favor. Those gifts were powerless to atone for sin; for the offerers did not through them express faith in Christ (The Signs of the Times, January 12, 1882). (2BC 1011.4) MC VC
19. The Spirit of Irreverent Curiosity Still Exists—The spirit of irreverent curiosity still exists among the children of men. Many are eager to investigate those mysteries which infinite wisdom has seen fit to leave unrevealed. Having no reliable evidence from which to reason, they base their theories on conjecture. The Lord has wrought for His servants and for the upbuilding of His cause at the present day as verily as He wrought in behalf of ancient Israel; but vain philosophy, “science falsely so called,”(1 Timothy 6:20) has sought to destroy faith in the direct interposition of Providence, attributing all such manifestations to natural causes. This is the sophistry of Satan. He is asserting his authority by mighty signs and wonders in the earth. Those who ignore or deny the special evidences of God′s power, are preparing the way for the arch-deceiver to exalt himself before the people as superior to the God of Israel. (2BC 1011.5) MC VC
Many accept the reasoning of these would-be wise men as truth, when in fact it undermines the very foundations which God has laid. Such teachers are the ones described by inspiration, who must become fools in their own estimation, that they may be wise. God has chosen the foolish things of this world to confound the wise. By those who are guided only by human wisdom, the simplicity of His mighty worKings is called foolishness. They think themselves wiser than their Creator, when in fact they are victims of finite ignorance and childish conceit. It is this that holds them in the darkness of unbelief, so that they do not discern the power of God, and tremble before Him (The Signs of the Times, January 19, 1882). (2BC 1011.6) MC VC
Chapter 7 VC
3. Modern Forms of Idolatry—Many who bear the name of Christians are serving other gods besides the Lord. Our Creator demands our supreme devotion, our first allegiance. Anything which tends to abate our love for God, or to interfere with the service due Him, becomes thereby an idol. With some their lands, their houses, their merchandise, are the idols. Business enterprises are prosecuted with zeal and energy, while the service of God is made a secondary consideration. Family worship is neglected, secret prayer is forgotten. Many claim to deal justly with their fellow men, and seem to feel that in so doing they discharge their whole duty. But it is not enough to keep the last six commandments of the decalogue. We are to love the Lord our God with all the heart. Nothing short of obedience to every precept—nothing less than supreme love to God as well as equal love to our fellow man—can satisfy the claims of the divine law. (2BC 1011.7) MC VC
There are many whose hearts have been so hardened by prosperity that they forget God, and forget the wants of their fellow man. Professed Christians adorn themselves with jewelry, laces, costly apparel, while the Lord′s poor suffer for the necessaries of life. Men and women who claim redemption through a Saviour′s blood will squander the means intrusted to them for the saving of other souls, and then grudgingly dole out their offerings for religion, giving liberally only when it will bring honor to themselves. These are idolaters (The Signs of the Times, January 26, 1882). (2BC 1012.1) MC VC
7-11. God′s Intervention to Save Helpless Israel—It was the Lord′s purpose so to manifest His power in delivering Israel, that they might not take the glory to themselves. He permitted them, when unarmed and defenseless, to be challenged by their enemies, and then the Captain of the Lord′s host marshalled the army of heaven to destroy the foes of His people. Humility of heart and obedience to the divine law are more acceptable to God than the most costly sacrifices from a heart filled with pride and hypocrisy. God will not defend those who are living in transgression of His law (The Signs of the Times, January 26, 1882). (2BC 1012.2) MC VC
12. Samuel′s Diary—There are thousands of souls willing to work for the Master who have not had the privilege of hearing the truth as some have heard it, but they have been faithful readers of the Word of God, and they will be blessed in their humble efforts to impart light to others. Let such ones keep a diary, and when the Lord gives them an interesting experience, let them write it down, as Samuel did when the armies of Israel won a victory over the Philistines. He set up a monument of thankfulness, saying, “Hitherto hath the Lord helped us.” 1 Samuel 7:12. Brethren, where are the monuments by which you keep in view the love and goodness of God? Strive to keep fresh in your minds the help that the Lord has given you in your efforts to help others. Let not your actions show one trace of selfishness. Every tear that the Lord has helped you to wipe from sorrowful eyes, every fear that has been expelled, every mercy shown,—trace a record of it in your diary. “As thy days, so shall thy strength be”(Deuteronomy 33:25) (Manuscript 62, 1905). (2BC 1012.3) MC VC
Chapter 8 VC
1-3. Samuel′s Sons Loved Reward—Samuel had judged Israel from his youth. He had been a righteous and impartial judge, faithful in all his work. He was becoming old; and the people saw that his sons did not follow his footsteps. Although they were not vile, like the children of Eli, yet they were dishonest and double-minded. While they aided their father in his laborious work, their love of reward led them to favor the cause of the unrighteous (The Spirit of Prophecy 1:353). (2BC 1012.4) MC VC
1-5. Samuel Was Deceived in His Sons—These young men had received faithful instructions from their father, both by precept and example. They were not ignorant of the warnings given to Eli, and the divine judgments visited upon him and his house. They were apparently men of sterling virtue and integrity, as well as intellectual promise. It was with the full assent of the people that Samuel shared with his sons the responsibilities of office. But the characters of these young men were yet to be tested. Separated from their father′s influence, it would be seen whether they were true to the principles which he had taught them. The result showed that Samuel had been painfully deceived in his sons. Like many young men of today who have been blessed with good abilities, they perverted their God-given powers. The honor bestowed upon them rendered them proud and self-sufficient. They did not make the glory of God their aim, nor did they seek earnestly to Him for strength and wisdom. Yielding to the power of temptation, they became avaricious, selfish, and unjust. God′s Word declares that “they walked not in His ways, but turned aside after lucre, and took bribes, and perverted judgment”(1 Samuel 8:3) (The Signs of the Times, February 2, 1882). (2BC 1012.5) MC VC