Ev 141, 554
(Evangelism 141, 554)
Our ministers need more of the wisdom that Paul had. When he went to labor for the Jews, he did not first make prominent the birth, betrayal, crucifixion, and resurrection of Christ, notwithstanding these were the special truths for that time. He first brought them down step by step over the promises that had been made of a Saviour, and over the prophecies that pointed Him out. After dwelling upon these until the specifications were distinct in the minds of all, and they knew that they were to have a Saviour, he then presented the fact that this Saviour had already come. Christ Jesus fulfilled every specification. This was the “guile” with which Paul caught souls. He presented the truth in such a manner that their former prejudice did not arise to blind their eyes and pervert their judgment.—Historical Sketches, pp. 121, 122. (1886). (Ev 141.1) MC VC
Caution in Presenting Opening Subjects—The greatest care is needed in dealing with these souls. Be always on guard. Do not at the outset press before the people the most objectionable features of our faith, lest you close the ears of those to whom these things come as a new revelation. (Ev 141.2) MC VC
Paul’s Methods Reached All Nations and People—Paul in his journeys combined home and foreign missions. Now he is preaching to the Jews in their own place of worship. Now he is preaching to the Gentiles, before their own temple and in the very presence of their gods. Nor does Paul proclaim to the Jews a Messiah whose work is to destroy the old dispensation, but a Messiah who came to develop the whole Jewish economy in accordance with the truth. (Ev 554.1) MC VC
Those of the disciples who carried the word of truth the widest were ready to stand the test of any interview with those who remained close at home. Here Christianity obtained a decided victory, and the high, elevated stand was taken by the converted Jews that Christianity and salvation were for all nations, tongues, and peoples upon the face of the earth.—Letter 17, 1900. (Ev 554.2) MC VC
Reaching Men of Means and Influence VC
Give the Call to Leaders in Business and Government—The call to be given “in the highways,” is to be proclaimed to all who have an active part in the world’s work, to the teachers and leaders of the people. Those who bear heavy responsibilities in public life, physicians and teachers, lawyers and judges, public officers and businessmen, should be given a clear, distinct message.—Testimonies For The Church 6:78 (1900). (Ev 554.3) MC VC