TDG 275.3
(This Day With God 275.3)
And yet they [the Jewish leaders] would not receive Him. While they claimed to keep the law, they denied it by their works. Having eyes they saw not, because of the ignorance that was in them through the hardness of their hearts. The impurity of their hearts, the defiling practices of their lives, their selfishness, their envy, their jealousy, their evil surmising, their transgression of the law of God, while they claimed to keep it, bore continual testimony as to their character. By the fruit the tree was known. Christ laid bare their true character. He declared that they were “teaching for doctrines the commandments of men” (Mark 7:7). Again He says, “Ye know not the scriptures, neither the power of God” (chap. 12:24). (TDG 275.3) MC VC