MM 39
(Medical Ministry 39)
You all need a living religion, that you may stand as God’s witnesses, proclaiming to the sick that sin is always followed with suffering; and while combating pain and disease, you should plainly lay before them that which you know to be the real cause, and the remedy—“Cease to sin;” and point them to the sin-pardoning Saviour.— Manuscript 4a, 1885. (MM 39.1) MC VC
Leading Souls to the Mighty Healer VC
In no other line of the work is the truth to shine more brightly than in the medical missionary work. Every true medical missionary has a remedy for the sin-sick soul as well as for the diseased body. By faith in Christ he is to act as an evangelist, a messenger of mercy. As he uses the simple remedies which God has provided for the cure of physical suffering, he is to speak of Christ’s power to heal the maladies of the soul. (MM 39.2) MC VC
Through the efforts of the Christian physician, the accumulated light of the past and the present is to produce its effect. Not only is the physician to give instruction from the word of God, line upon line, precept upon precept; he is to moisten this instruction with his tears and make it strong with his prayers, that souls may be saved from death.... (MM 39.3) MC VC
In their work of dealing with disease and death, physicians are in danger of losing the solemn reality of the future of the soul. In their earnest, feverish anxiety to avert the peril of the body, there is danger that they will neglect the peril of the soul. I would say to you, Be on your guard; for you must meet your dying ones before the judgment seat of Christ.—Letter 120, 1901. (MM 39.4) MC VC