Ev 665
(Evangelism 665)
The Voice of the Gospel Worker VC
Minister God’s Mouthpiece—The man who accepts the position of being mouthpiece for God should consider it highly essential that he present the truth with all the grace and intelligence he can, that the truth may lose nothing in his presentation of it to the people. Those who consider it a little thing to speak with an imperfect utterance dishonor God.—Manuscript 107, 1898. (Ev 665.1) MC VC
In Full, Round Tones—The ability to speak plainly and clearly, in full, round tones, is invaluable in any line of work. This qualification is indispensable in those who desire to become ministers, evangelists, Bible workers, or canvassers. Those who are planning to enter these lines of work should be taught to use the voice in such a way that when they speak to people about the truth, a decided impression for good will be made. The truth must not be marred by being communicated through defective utterance.—Testimonies For The Church 6:380 (1900). (Ev 665.2) MC VC
Speaking Clearly With Expression—All the workers, whether they speak from the pulpit or give Bible readings, are to be taught to speak in a clear, expressive manner.—Letter 200, 1903. (Ev 665.3) MC VC