CG 97, 186
(Child Guidance 97, 186)
Chapter 14—Quietness, Respect, and Reverence VC
Repress Undue Noise and Turbulence—Let not a mother allow her mind to be occupied with too many things.... With the greatest diligence and the closest watchfulness she must care for the little ones who, if allowed, will follow every impulse springing out of the fullness of their unpracticed, ignorant hearts. In their exuberance of spirit they will give utterance to noise and turbulence in the home. This should be checked. Children will be just as happy if they are educated not to do these things. They are to be taught that when visitors come, they are to be quiet and respectful. (CG 97.1) MC VC
Let Quietness Reign in the Home—Fathers and mothers, ... teach your children that they must be subordinate to law. Do not allow them to think that because they are children, it is their privilege to make all the noise they wish in the house. Wise rules and regulations must be made and enforced, that the beauty of the home life may not be spoiled. (CG 97.2) MC VC
Parents do their children great wrong when they allow them to scream and cry. They should not be allowed to be careless and boisterous. If these objectionable traits of character are not checked in their early years, the children will take them with them, strengthened and developed, into religious and business life. Children will be just as happy if they are taught to be quiet in the house. (CG 97.3) MC VC
Teach Submission to Law—Fathers and mothers, be sensible. Teach your children that they must be subordinate to law. (CG 186.1) MC VC
It is not mercy or kindness to permit a child to have its own way, to submit to its rule, and to neglect to correct it on the ground that you love it too well to punish it. What kind of love is it that permits your child to develop traits of character that will make him and everyone else miserable? Away with such love! True love will look out for the present and eternal good of the soul. (CG 186.2) MC VC
What right have parents to bring children into the world to neglect and to let them grow up without culture and Christian training? Parents should be responsible. Teach them control; teach them that they are to be managed, and not to manage. (CG 186.3) MC VC
Co-ordinate the Physical, Mental, and Spiritual—The physical, mental, and spiritual capabilities should be developed in order to form a properly balanced character. Children should be watched, guarded, and disciplined in order to successfully accomplish this. (CG 186.4) MC VC