HP 137.4, 361.4
(In Heavenly Places 137.4, 361.4)
The Word of the only true God is infallible. Infinite wisdom, holiness, power, and love are blended in pointing us to the standard by which God measures character. God’s Word so plainly defines the laws of His kingdom that none need to walk in darkness. His law is the transcript of His character. It is the standard that all must reach if they would enter the kingdom of God. No one need walk in uncertainty.... The law of God is not abolished. It will live through the eternal ages. By Christ’s death it was magnified, and sin was exposed in its true light. (HP 137.4) MC VC
Today angels are sent to minister to those who shall be heirs of salvation, to help them to escape from the thralldom of Satan’s power.... Each human being is given the freedom of choice. It is his to decide whether he will stand under the black banner of rebellion or under the blood-stained banner of Prince Emmanuel. With deep solicitude Heaven watches the conflict between good and evil. None but the obedient can enter the gates of the city of God. Upon those who choose to continue in transgression the death sentence must at last be pronounced. The earth will be purified from their misdoings, their defiance of God.... (HP 361.4) MC VC