2MCP 409
(Mind, Character, and Personality Volume 2 409)
Christ Illumines the Mind—The physician is never to lead his patients to fix their attention on him. He is to teach them to grasp with the trembling hand of faith the outstretched hand of the Saviour. Then the mind will be illuminated with the light radiating from the Light of the world.—Letter 120, 1901. (2MCP 409.1) MC VC
Truth Has Soothing Power—The soothing power of pure truth seen, acted, and maintained in all its bearings is of a value no language can express to people who are suffering with disease. Keep ever before the suffering sick the compassion and tenderness of Christ, and awaken their conscience to a belief in His power to relieve suffering, and lead them to faith and trust in Him, the Great Healer, and you have gained a soul and ofttimes a life.—Letter 69, 1898. (Medical Ministry, 234, 235). (2MCP 409.2) MC VC
True Religion Aids Restoration to Health (words directed to sanitarium guests attending the local church service)—Christ is our Great Physician. Many men and women come to this medical institution [St. Helena Sanitarium] with the hope of receiving treatment that will prolong their lives. They take considerable pains to come here. (2MCP 409.3) MC VC
Why cannot everyone who comes to the sanitarium for physical help come to Christ for spiritual help? Why cannot you, my brother, my sister, entertain the hope that if you accept Christ, He will add His blessing to the agencies employed for your restoration to health? Why cannot you have faith to believe that He will cooperate with your efforts to recover, because He wants you to get well? He wants you to have a clear brain so that you can appreciate eternal realities; He wants you to have healthful sinews and muscles so that you can glorify His name by using your strength in His service.—Manuscript 80, 1903. (2MCP 409.4) MC VC
Counsel to One Prone to Melancholy Feelings—It is your duty to war against oppressive thoughts and melancholy feelings, just as much as it is your duty to pray. It is your duty to counterwork the agencies of the enemy, to place a firm hold upon the bridle of your tongue as well as your thoughts. Of all the times in your life when you need a supply of grace, it is when the sensitive, inflamed digestive organs are at work and you are worried and tired out. (2MCP 409.5) MC VC