UL 368.2
(The Upward Look 368.2)
It is of little advantage to skim over the surface of the Scriptures. If we would understand fully the words of Christ, thought must be brought into the searching of the Scriptures. We should open the Scriptures with great reverence, and not in a slothful, lazy manner. The word of Christ is spirit and life to the receiver. The words of Christ to the Pharisees were, “[Ye] search the Scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me” (John 5:39). They were searching the Scriptures for evidence of Christ’s appearing, gathering up every evidence in regard to the manner in which they supposed He would come, while Christ was in their midst, and they did not discern Him by the use of faith.... (UL 368.2) MC VC