TM 165-6
(Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers 165-6)
The time has come when those who are rooted and grounded in the truth may manifest their firmness and decision, may make known the fact that they are unmoved by the sophistry, maxims, or fables of the ignorant and wavering. Without foundation men will make statements with all the positiveness of truth; but it is of no use to argue with them concerning their spurious assertions. The best way to deal with error is to present the truth, and leave wild ideas to die out for want of notice. Contrasted with truth, the weakness of error is made apparent to every intelligent mind. The more the erroneous assertions of opposers, and of those who rise up among us to deceive souls, are repeated, the better the cause of error is served. The more publicity is given to the suggestions of Satan, the better pleased is his satanic majesty; for unsanctified hearts will be prepared to receive the chaff that he provides for them. We shall have to meet difficulties of this order even in the church. Men will make a world of an atom and an atom of a world. (TM 165.1) MC VC
Using God-Given Talents VC
Cannot we do more for the churches, that they may be aroused to act upon the light already given? God has appointed to every man his work. The lowliest as well as the mightiest have been endowed with influence that should tell on the Lord’s side, and they should devote their talent to Him, each working in his appointed place of duty. The Lord expects everyone to do his best. When light shines into the heart, He expects our work to correspond with our light, to be in accordance with the measure of the fullness of Christ which we have received. The more we use our knowledge and exercise our powers, the more knowledge we shall have, the more power we shall acquire to do more and better work. (TM 165.2) MC VC
Our talents are not our own, they are the Lord’s property with which we are to trade. We are responsible for the use or the abuse of the Lord’s goods. God calls upon men to invest their entrusted talents, that when the Master cometh He may receive His own with usury. With His own blood Christ has purchased us as His servants. Shall we serve Him? Shall we now study to show ourselves approved unto God? Shall we show by our actions that we are stewards of His grace? Every effort put forth for the Master, prompted by a pure, sincere heart, will be a fragrant offering to Him. (TM 166.1) MC VC
We are walking in the sight of unseen intelligences. A witness is by our side constantly to see how we trade with the Lord’s entrusted goods. When the good steward returns his talents with usury, he will claim nothing. He will realize that they are the talents that God delivered unto him, and will give glory to the Master. He knows that there would have been no gain without the deposit, no interest without the principal. He will say, “Lord, thou deliveredst unto me five talents: behold, I have gained beside them five talents more.” Matthew 25:20. Let the church now consider whether they are putting out to usury the capital the Lord has given. Without the grace of Christ every soul would have been bankrupt for eternity; therefore we can rightfully claim nothing. But while we can claim nothing, yet when we are faithful stewards, the Lord rewards us as if the merit were all our own. He says, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.” Matthew 25:21. (TM 166.2) MC VC