CH 36
(Counsels on Health 36)
Effects of Wrong Habits VC
There is but little moral power in the professed Christian world. Wrong habits have been indulged, and physical and moral laws have been disregarded, until the general standard of virtue and piety is exceedingly low. Habits which lower the standard of physical health, enfeeble mental and moral strength. The indulgence of unnatural appetites and passions has a controlling influence upon the nerves of the brain. The animal organs are strengthened, while the moral are depressed. It is impossible for an intemperate man to be a Christian, for his higher powers are brought into slavery to the passions.—Testimonies for the Church 3:51 (1871). (CH 36.1) MC VC
A World Unwarned VC
We have before us a great work—the closing work of giving God’s last warning message to a sinful world. But what have we done to give this message? Look, I beg of you, at the many, many places that have never yet been even entered. Look at our workers treading over and over the same ground, while around them is a neglected world, lying in wickedness and corruption—a world as yet unwarned. To me this is an awful picture. What appalling indifference we manifest to the needs of a perishing world!—Testimonies for the Church 7:103 (1902). (CH 36.2) MC VC