2MCP 786.2
(Mind, Character, and Personality Volume 2 786.2)
Talents in trust are a sacred responsibility. No man need to covet talents unless through earnest prayer for that wisdom from above—which will ensure the right appropriation of all his God-given capabilities—he decides to honor and glorify God with the talents which are granted. To receive and to believe the sacred light God has given, and to impart to those who are in darkness of error, is a wonderful matter; for if it is unselfishly and interestedly imparted to help and bless and save perishing souls, it realizes to the faithful worker heavenly treasures which make him more than a millionaire in heaven. He is heir of God, joint heir with Jesus Christ, to a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.—MS 63, 1900. (2MCP 786.2) MC VC