TDG 324.2
(This Day With God 324.2)
We are not to follow human leading. Christ is our Leader. At all times and in all places, in every time of need, we shall find Him a present help. Because there are those professing to be Christians who dishonor Christ in thought, word, and deed, we are to give plainer evidence than ever before of our completeness in Him. We are to walk in the light of His countenance. We can each show that Christ is light, and that in Him is no darkness at all. If we will submit to His guidance, He will lead us from the low level on which sin has left us to the loftiest heights of grace. We are not to darken our lives by talking of our own imperfections or of the imperfections of others. We are to be all light in the Lord. (TDG 324.2) MC VC