TSB 145.0
(Testimonies on Sexual Behavior, Adultery, and Divorce 145.0)
Whatever suggestions Satan may make to keep your soul bound in sin and despair, I still say, Go to Jesus, the sin-pardoning Saviour, without delay. And may the Lord who is mighty to save rescue you out of the snare of the devil, is my prayer.—Letter 1d, 1890. (TSB 145.1) MC VC
Chapter 21—A Hospital Worker VC
Frivolous, Unwise Attention to Women—Angels of God are watching the development of character. Angels of God are weighing moral worth. If you bestow your attentions upon those who have no need, you are doing the recipients harm, and you will receive condemnation rather than reward. Remember that, when by your trifling conversation you descend to the level of frivolous characters, you are encouraging them in the path that leads to perdition. Your unwise attentions may prove the ruin of their souls. You degrade their conceptions of what constitutes Christian life and character. You confuse their ideas, and make impressions that can never be effaced. (TSB 145.2) MC VC
The harm thus done to souls that need to be strengthened, refined, ennobled, is often a sin unto death. They cannot associate these men with the sacred positions they occupy. The ministers, the officers of the church, are all regarded as no better than themselves. Then where is their example? (TSB 145.3) MC VC