CH 223
(Counsels on Health 223)
All Should Have a Part VC
The establishment of churches and sanitariums is only a further manifestation of the love of God, and in this work all God’s people should have a part. Christ formed His church here below for the express purpose of showing forth through the members the grace of God. Throughout the world His people are to raise memorials of His Sabbath—the sign between Him and them that He is the One who sanctifies them. Thus they are to show that they have returned to their loyalty and stand firmly for the principles of His law. (CH 223.1) MC VC
Agricultural Advantages VC
The Lord permitted fire to consume the principal buildings of the Review and Herald and the sanitarium, and thus removed the greatest objection urged against moving out of the Battle Creek. It was His design that instead of rebuilding the one large sanitarium, our people should make plants in several places. These smaller sanitariums should have been established where land could be secured for agricultural purposes. It is God’s plan that agriculture shall be connected with the work of our sanitariums and schools. Our youth need the education to be gained from this line of work. It is well, and more than well,—it is essential,—that efforts be made to carry out the Lord’s plan in this respect.—Testimonies for the Church 8:227, 228 (1903). (CH 223.2) MC VC