TM 354
(Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers 354)
There are souls in their darkness, full of remorse and pain and anguish, who still feel that God is just and good. The Lord is keeping alive the spark of hope in their hearts. The poor, darkened soul feels, “If I could only appear before God, and plead my case, He would pity for Christ’s sake, and this horrible fear and agony would be relieved.” He has tried to speak to men, and has been rudely repulsed, reproved, taunted by his supposed friends. Sometimes the reproaches heaped upon his head have well-nigh destroyed the last spark of hope. The soul that is conscious of sincere and honest intentions finds he has less to fear from God than from men who have hearts of steel. The soul wrenched with human agony turns away from the misjudgment and condemnation of men who cannot read the heart, yet have taken it upon them to judge their fellowmen. He turns to One who is without a shadow of misapprehension, One who knows all the impulses of the heart, who is acquainted with all the circumstances of temptation. God knows every deed of the past life, and yet in consideration of all this, the troubled soul is ready to trust his case with God, knowing that He is a God of mercy and compassion. (TM 354.1) MC VC
Let Us Fall into the Hand of God VC
When David was bidden to choose the punishment for his sin, he said, “Let us fall now into the hand of the Lord; for His mercies are great: and let me not fall into the hand of man.” 2 Samuel 24:14. He felt that God knew the struggle and anguish of the soul. When one is enabled to catch a glimpse of the character of God, he sees not in Him the heartless, vindictive spirit manifested by human agents; he sees that affliction and trial are God’s appointed means of disciplining His children, and teaching them His way, that they may lay hold of His grace. “Who is among you that feareth the Lord, that obeyeth the voice of His servant, that walketh in darkness, and hath no light? let him trust in the name of the Lord, and stay upon his God.” Isaiah 50:10. As the poor backsliding one is led to the river of God’s love, he exclaims, “When He hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold purified.” Job 23:10. The suffering soul is made patient, trustful, triumphant in God under adverse circumstances. (TM 354.2) 1 I MC VC