GW 282
(Gospel Workers 1915 282)
There are many, even among our preachers, who want to rise in the world without effort. They are ambitious to do some great work of usefulness, while they disregard the little, every-day duties which would render them helpful and make them ministers after Christ’s order. They wish to do the work that others are doing, but have no relish for the discipline necessary to fit them for it. This yearning desire by both men and women to do something far in advance of their present capabilities, is causing them to make decided failures at the outset. They indignantly refuse to climb the ladder, wishing to be elevated by a less laborious process.—Testimonies for the Church 4:411-417. (GW 282.1) MC VC
I am astonished that with the examples before us of what man may be and what he may do, we are not stimulated to greater exertion to emulate the good works of the righteous. Not all may occupy positions of prominence; yet all may fill positions of usefulness and trust, and may, by their persevering fidelity, do far more good than they have any idea that they can do.—Testimonies for the Church 4:399. (GW 282.2) MC VC
The value of men and women is not to be estimated by the class of labor they perform. It is fixed by Him who paid the price for every soul. In charity, in simplicity, in integrity, all who have Christ formed within, the hope of glory, are to be workers together with God. They are God’s husbandry, God’s building. (GW 282.3) MC VC
The heart in which the love of Christ abides will constantly manifest more and more refinement; for the spring of life is love to God and man. Christ is Christianity. This is glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. This is the carrying out of God’s purpose. (GW 282.4) MC VC