CT 318
(Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students 318)
Let not teachers have favorites among their students, or give to the bright, quick students the most attention. Those who are apparently the most unpromising most need the tact and kindly words that will bind their hearts to the heart of the teacher. (CT 318.1) MC VC
First impressions are not to be trusted. Students who at first seem dull and slow may in the end make greater progress than those who are naturally quicker. If they are thorough and systematic in their work they will gain much that others will fail to gain. Those who form habits of patient, persevering industry will accomplish more than those of quick, vivacious, brilliant mind, who, though grasping the point quickly, lose it just as readily. The patient ones, though slower to learn, will stand ahead of those who learn so quickly that they do not need to study. (CT 318.2) MC VC
Students should not be so pressed with studies as to neglect the culture of the manners; and above all, they should let nothing interfere with their seasons of prayer, which bring them in connection with Christ. In no case should they deprive themselves of religious privileges. (CT 318.3) MC VC