3SG 111
(Spiritual Gifts, Volume 3 111)
What a contrast to the course now pursued by many children! Instead of showing reverence, and due honor for their parents, by consulting them, and having the advantages of their experienced judgment in choosing for them, they move hastily in the matter, and are controlled by impulse rather than by the judgment of their parents, and the fear of God. It is often the case that they contract marriage without even the knowledge of their parents. And in many instances their lives are imbittered by hasty marriages, because the son-in-law, or the daughter-in-law, feel under no obligation to make their parents happy. (3SG 111.1) MC VC
Young men and women sometimes manifest great independence upon the subject of marriage, as though the Lord had nothing to do with them, or they with the Lord, in that matter, and that it was purely a matter of their own, which neither God, nor their parents should in any wise control. They seem to think that the bestowal of their affections is a matter in which self alone should be consulted. Such make a serious mistake, and a few years of marriage experience generally teaches them that it is a miserable mistake. This is the great reason of so many unhappy marriages, in which there is so little true, generous love toward each other, and so little exercise of noble forbearance toward each other. These often behave in their own homes more like pettish children, than the dignified, affectionate husband and wife. (3SG 111.2) MC VC