TSB 77
(Testimonies on Sexual Behavior, Adultery, and Divorce 77)
Separation Better Than Apostasy—His best course with this child-wife, so overbearing, so unyielding, and so uncontrollable, is to take her home, and leave her with the mother who has made her what she is. Though it must be painful, this is the only thing for him to do, if he would not be ruined spiritually, sacrificed to the demon of hysterics and satanic imaginings. Satan takes entire control of her temper and will, and uses them like desolating hail to beat down every obstruction. Her husband can do her no good, but is doing himself incalculable harm, and robbing God of the talents and influence He has given. (TSB 77.1) MC VC
God has placed the husband at the head of the family, and until Sister D shall learn her place and duties as a wife, it will be best for him not to be connected with her in any way. The wife is to respect and obey, but if she utterly refuses to keep the marriage vow, she will be more and more the sport of Satan’s temptations; and if her husband consents to keep her by his side, to wear out his life, he will become discouraged and unfitted for the Lord’s service. He is under no obligations to keep one by his side who will only torture his soul. I was shown that he has already been losing his manhood, and has been influenced and molded by his wife. Their marriage was a snare of Satan. (TSB 77.2) MC VC
Priority of God’s Claims—Sister D is determined to rule or ruin. I was shown that she has so thoroughly yielded herself into Satan’s hands that her husband fears for her reason, but he will make one of the gravest mistakes of his life if he permits himself to be controlled by Satan through the device of his wife. I tell you plainly, she is controlled by demons, and if these evil spirits have their way, your liberty, Brother D, your manhood, is gone; you are a slave to her caprices.... She is just as much possessed by a demon as was the man who tore and cut himself when Jesus cast out the devils.... Brother D must let Satan rage, and not allow himself to be cut off from religious privileges because his wife desires it. (TSB 77.3) MC VC