TSB 14
(Testimonies on Sexual Behavior, Adultery, and Divorce 14)
In regard to marriage, I would say, Read the Word of God. Even in this time, the last days of this world’s history, marriages take place among Seventh-day Adventists.... (TSB 14.1) MC VC
We have, as a people, never forbidden marriage, except in cases where there were obvious reasons that marriage would be misery to both parties. And even then, we have only advised and counseled.—Letter 60, 1900. (TSB 14.2) MC VC
A Preparation for Heaven—Let them remember that the home on earth is to be a symbol of and a preparation for the home in heaven.—The Ministry of Healing, 363. (TSB 14.3) MC VC
God wants the home to be the happiest place on earth, the very symbol of the home in heaven. Bearing the marriage responsibilities in the home, linking their interests with Jesus Christ, leaning upon His arm and His assurance, husband and wife may share a happiness in this union that angels of God commend.—The Adventist Home, 102. (TSB 14.4) MC VC
A Lifelong Union—Marriage, a union for life, is a symbol of the union between Christ and His church.—Testimonies for the Church 7:46. (TSB 14.5) MC VC
In the youthful mind marriage is clothed with romance, and it is difficult to divest it of this feature, with which imagination covers it, and to impress the mind with a sense of the weighty responsibilities involved in the marriage vow. This vow links the destinies of the two individuals with bonds which naught but the hand of death should sever. (TSB 14.6) MC VC
Every marriage engagement should be carefully considered, for marriage is a step taken for life. Both the man and the woman should carefully consider whether they can cleave to each other through the vicissitudes of life as long as they both shall live.—The Adventist Home, 340. (TSB 14.7) MC VC